We love our residents, and we work hard to provide you with a fantastic home and great service, so that when it comes time to renew your lease, it’s a simple decision. This page will provide you with all the information you need to move easily through the renewals process.
You will receive an email 90 days before your lease expires. The lease renewal process is simple. Your dedicated Renewal Specialist will verify some of your information, update any changes to the lease, discuss your options, and provide you with a new Lease Agreement for you to sign through DocuSign. Once you sign the document, your new lease will be in place once your current lease expires.
While we can usually accommodate month-to-month leases, subject to HOA restrictions, we recommend renewing your lease for a 12- or 24-month period. Month-to-month terms require a monthly premium fee of 10% of the current market rental rate of the home. Additionally, we require notification that you’ll be leaving the home 30 days ahead of your move-out date. If the 12- or 24-month lease doesn’t work for you, please speak to someone in the office. We may be able to find another solution.